Is Your Child Buffered?
In raising our young, so much time, energy and money is expended to give them the very best that life can offer. The best education, good nannies, vital immunizations, nice clothes, educative toys and nourishing foods.
Our children are our most precious possessions and our most valuable assets. Most of our investments in them are geared towards ensuring that they become success stories in future; persons of model character that we can make reference to as examples for others to follow.
How does your child respond while relating to others? A research carried out in the United States by Sherwin Williams Company News once concluded that "About 15% of one's financial and career success is due to technical skills while the remaining 85% is due to people skills."
Getting your child to understand and adopt Jesus' Golden Rule of "Do to others what you would have them do to you" is vital to their success in life. A child who assimilates this rule will have it act as a buffer each time they collide with another child or adult. An Etiquette expert once said: "Every meeting of individuals is a collision."
Good manners act as a buffer during these collisions. A child who has been raised well-mannered will have little or no friction in their interaction with others throughout their life and will fare better and be able to achieve more as a result.
Raising a well-mannered child who turns into a bona-fide lady or gentleman, filled with confidence, common sense and consideration